Cleaning your house might be something you often postpone. There are always better things to do, we all know that. “I have to clean the bathroom. But oh wait, there’s a new episode of my favourite series!” Either that, or it’s the wardrobe calling us all week to fold our clothes, yet we are too busy to hear it. It’s a constant struggle between having a clean and tidy home and putting one more T-shirt on top of the pile on the chair.

The truth is, there is a huge difference between having a messy home and a filthy one. The mess is something you can put up with for a while, but not having a clean and hygienic house is definitely a deal-breaker.

The unlucky experience of some cleaning service providers and house rental and sales representatives have confronted them with unbelievable conditions in some of the apartments. And this is not referring to old dirty dishes in the sink, rust and dirt in the bathroom, or unmopped floor. On the contrary, they faced places with piles of rotten food and corners of old cans of liquor, discussing floor used as an ashtray, and bathroom accessories so dirty that they’ve grown plants inside.

But enough about details, shall we get into some shocking images of the dirtiest houses in the world? Let’s see.

A House in Hull

The first place we’re sharing with you was found in Hull, England. Due to a complaint of loud and raucous tenants, council workers were sent to face the truth behind the doors of the house. What they found not only met the rumours but exceeded them. The assistant city manager for housing at Hull City Council admitted that there are usually many complaints that tenants don’t leave their accommodations in the right condition, but this was way more than that. The house they found was… Well, look for yourself.

Image Source: Hull Daily Mail

A House in California

The next one is a place found in California by real estate workers. The property was up for a sale but after discovering its condition, the agency refused to represent it. The inside floors were covered in dog excrements, the ceilings and walls in a cobweb, the bathroom is not even worth describing, and the kitchen was not possible to go through due to the piles of trash. Check it out!

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London’s most disgusting’s story

Back in the UK, a group of disrupted neighbours have signalized for a foul stench and a cleaning company was sent to take care of the situation. What they did not expect was to find a 3ft tall pile of excrements. It was a full bathroom situation that no normal person could ever get into. Actually, that’s why something extraordinary took place.

The company that was engaged had sent their best worker. And by best, we mean a worker that had no sense of smell due to unpleasant previous events. This made him perfect for the job although it was still a house that no one deserved to enter and see. He was, however, able to get rid of everything using special disposal double-bags.

Image Source: CleanSafe

All of those stories and the examples we’re about to share speak for an unhealthy lifestyle some people around the world have. While there is no need for a place to reach these limits, it’s still necessary to contact professional cleaners that can take care of keeping your place not only clean, tidy, and shiny, but also healthy. Our experience has shown that there are indeed some unbelievably disgusting apartments and houses that people have turned into more than a mess. 

Read Also: How to clean limescale from toilet

Needless to say, everyone should prevent their home from becoming one of those in the collection of the dirtiest houses in the world, but still. And if you think your kids make too much of a mess or you are a too disordered person, we’ll again prove you that it can be much worse.

The stories behind the next photos we’re about to share is unknown, but maybe for the best. The images speak for themselves showing how much dirt and filth a place or living can be. It could be disturbing to even be around neighbours like that so if you are familiar with anyone that could be going this direction, do not hesitate and get professional help. For cleaning their place and for their mental health. You can contact us for any cleaning services.

Now we’ll let you dive into the worst and dirtiest places in the world!

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